Get The Free “Team Toolbox” That Will Help You…

Calm The Chaos In Your Business And Turn Your Team Into A Well-Oiled Machine

In This Free Mini-Class You’ll Learn How To Optimize Your Company For Low-Stress Productivity, Figure Out Which Employees You Need To Fire, And Empower Your Team To Take The Day-To-Day Work Off Your Plate
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Does It Ever Feel Like Your Business Is Secretly Spiraling Out Of Control

Does It Ever Feel Like Your Business Is Secretly Spiraling Out Of Control?

Does it ever feel it’s up to YOU to fix everything that goes wrong, and you’re just barely keeping things together?

Do you suspect that your team isn’t making up the money you spend on them? Or that they’ll never be able to do the job at the same high level that you would do it?

Even worse: are you afraid there’s a very real possibility that without your constant guidance, your team might make a mistake, miss an important deadline, and lose a big client?

If so, take a deep breath. It’s OK.

Here’s good news: The problems you’re having in your company are common, especially at the 6- and 7-figure level. And they’re fixable.

Finally: A Fast & Easy-to-Implement System That Trains Your Team For You

With the right changes to your team structure, you can start to tame the chaos, reduce the overwhelm, and shift the day-to-day operations of your company off of your shoulders and onto your very best employees (where it should be). Just think:

Best of all, when your team is empowered to make day-to-day decisions without your input, you’ll finally have the freedom to work on the important stuff—like making connections, marketing, and doing the high-level work needed to take your business to the next level.

The first step is to enroll in the FREE mini-class on this page and take the Team Test. Before you know it you’ll be on your way to a more efficient, more productive company.

Here’s What You’ll Learn

I know how busy you are, which is why each video lesson in the Team Toolbox is just 3-7 minutes long.

You’ll get the essential insights you need to streamline your company without wasting a minute of your time.

Part 1: The Team Test: Who To Fire, Who To Train Up, & Who To Treat Like Gold

Do you have 1 or more employees who are slowing down your growth and poisoning your company morale?

Find out with the Team Test, a simple 5-minute exercise that will reveal which team members are a great fit for your business…and which ones need to go.

Part 2: Optimizing Your Team Structure For Better Productivity, Greater Efficiency, And More Sanity

Learn how to create a team structure that allows you to let go of day-to-day tasks and delegate them to your team.

This is the key to ending those 50-70 hour workweeks and gaining the freedom you need to work on the big-picture items in your business.

Meet Your Instructor

Matthew Cox

Founder of Eventual Millionaire & Ownerbox

Matthew’s exceptional leadership and coaching skills have helped CEO’s and business leaders to find their purpose.

Matthew is a passionate speaker, leadership, and life-coach with a track record of success in helping individuals, organizations, and leaders to achieve their purpose. Contact him today to schedule your next training, speaking or coaching session.

The Team Toolbox Is Free—But Don’t Delay!

The longer you wait, the longer you’ll continue to overwork yourself while your company underperforms. So sign up now for INSTANT access, and let an experienced operations expert train you in how to empower your team so you can regain control of your business.